Kenai Kayak
The Kenai is a kayak that is intended to be sold as both an angler version and a recreational version, compared to the majority of Lifetime's kayaks which are either recreational of angler style. Both types had their own unique design style. When I began designing the Kenai, I needed to establish a new design direction for it and I used both form and texture to bridge the gap between the two versions.
After deciding on the design direction, CAD work began. I was in charge of all CAD work on the top of the kayak. I decided for a hexagon style texture for the deck from bow to stern which would be both modern enough for a recreational kayak, but still outdoorsy and technically enough for an angler kayak. The intention was also for water to flow in between the hexagons, providing a consistently dry surface on both gunnels.
Images of Production Model
Sold at Amazon and Walmart.